News | ニュース
23.08.17: Energy is „Best Experimental Short“ of the Austria International Film Festival in Vienna!

21.08.17: I´m happy to announce that Structures of Nature is current Preselection of the Cinema London Film Festival

16.08.17: Energy and Rain are Official Selections of the 22. Canberra Short Film Festival in Australia. Screening first week of September.

04.08.17: Structures of Nature, Energy and Rain have each received the status of „Preselection“ of the Cinema LA Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA

02.08.17: I´m very happy to announce that Energy is Official Selection of the 14. Salento International Film Festival. The expected screening date will be the first week of September 2017.
01.08.17: Energy is Official Selection of the Austria International Film Festival and will be screened on Friday, 04.08.17 at UCI KINOWELT Millennium City „James Dean“
20.07.17: Structures of Nature will be screened on 29.07.17 at the Peekskill Film Festival, New York:
13.07.17: The detailed review of Structures of Nature is part of the July issue of the CULT CRITIC FILM MAGAZINE:
hlc-cultcritic.com/category/reviews hlc-cultcritic.com/nature
04.07.17: Structures of Nature is Official Selection of the Peekskill Film Festival, New York, USA
02.07.17: Structures of Nature is Official Selection of the Mediterranean Film Festival, Syracuse, Italy
25.06.17: After various awards so far, it´s a pleasure to announce that Energy is currently preselection of the Austria International Film Festival in Vienna:
http://austriainternationalfilmfestival.com http://worldfilmpresentation.com/Festival/austria-international-film-festival
In this regard, a short review of Energy:
Physical laws are the basis of our being. In particular, the various forms of energy enable life and evolution, social communities and communication.
In this context, Energy is an audiovisual essay that attempts to present various aspects of energy in a concrete and an abstract sense. The concept for the representation of these facets is a rhythmicised auditive as well as visual web of sounds from 12 cellos, natural sounds and video sequences that immerse into the macro- and microcosm of our surroundings and environment and make the poetry of the physical world visible.
18.06.17: En
ergy is preselection of the Toronto International Independent Film Festival 2018, Canada
17.06.17: Structures of Nature is Official Selection in the category Video Art of the Maracay International Film & Video Festival, Venezuela
10.06.17: Structures of Nature got reviewed by BELIFF (Be Epic! London International Film Festival), full review: click here
08.06.17: Structures of Nature got reviewed by CULT CRITIC FILM MAGAZINE (06/17), full review: click here
04.06.17: Stru
ctures of Nature is winner of Best Experimental Short of the Creation International Film Festival, Ottawa, Canada
03.06.17: Energy is winner of Best Music Video of the Creation International Film Festival, Ottawa, Canada
01.06.17: Rain is winner of Best Music Video award of Near Nazareth Film Festival, Israel
28.05.17: Structures of Nature is Official Selection of the Portoviejo Film Festival 2017, Ecuador
25.05.17: Structures of Nature is Official Selection (Trailer), Paris Play Film Festival, France
18.05.17: Structures of Nature and Energy are Official Selection of the Creation International Film Festival 2017, Canada
12.05.17: Structures of Nature is winner of the Outstanding Achievement Award (Experimental Short) of the Calcutta International Cult Film Festival, India
10.05.17: Rain and Energy are screened at the Near Nazareth Festival in May
07.05.17: Structures of Nature is winner of the category „Experimental Short Film“ of the London Independent Film Awards
02.05.17: Structures of Nature is finalist of the Near Nazareth Festival, Israel, and participant of the International Nature Film Festival Gödöllö in Hungary (trailer: click here)
14.04.17: Structures of Nature/Energy/Rain is nomination finalist of – Port Orchard Film Festival 2017, Washington, USA – Festival Internacional de Cine del Cono Sur 2017, Chile – San Lorenzo Film Festival 2017, Paraguay (3rd Prize Experimental Short) – Oasis Short Film Festival 2017, New York, USA
06.03.17: Structures of Nature is nomination finalist of the category „Experimental Short Film“ of Quito Independent World Film Festival 2017
Die audiovisuelle Fassung von Structures of Nature ist abgeschlossen (Preview inkl. Informationsmaterial auf Anfrage)
19.10.16: Structures of Nature wurde für das Finale des diesjährigen ARD-Hörspielwettbewerbs (PiNball) in Karlsruhe nominiert 29.03.16: Structures of Nature is nominated for the 7th Berliner Hörspielfestival 2016 05.01.16: Structures of Nature is nominated for the SonOhr Prize 2016, Bern
03.06.16: The trailer of the multimedia version of Structures of Nature is online now: